

Around the world in Darwin's footsteps

Prize-winning journalist and bestseller author Jürgen Neffe spent seven months circumnavigating the globe, in order to relive the most famous journey in scientific history: Charles Darwin's travels aboard HMS Beagle. Traveling by boat, camper van, plane, on horseback, and foot, the trained biologist sought out the places where Darwin had gathered the vital information that would lead to his revolutionary theory of evolution - and where his scientific heirs still study life forms today. At the centre of this research stands the human being, evolution's most sophisticated model and the greatest threat to the natural world that shaped us and is our future.

The result is a unique piece of travel writing: a thrilling scientific reportage on physical and mental landscapes, which also looks critically into genetic and clone research, places extinction under the microscope and takes on Darwin's religiously motivated opponents. At the same time it is a highly personal and insightful biography of the great scientist, who for all his successes, led a life dedicated to his family and his research, and who left his homeland only once for a longer period of time - five long years in succession on board the Beagle.

„A new kind of reading experience“ – Reuters
„Wegweisend“ – „Groundbreaking“ – Die Welt
„New chapter in e-publishing“ – CNN-online
„Tatsächlich hat man eine so elegante Methode, verschiedene Erzählelemente zu verbinden, bislang noch nicht gesehen.“ – Der Spiegel, International
„The new standard for the book of the future? – e-book-news
„Más que un libro“ – „More than a book“– ABC-España

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Other books in preparation